Diem, Peter

 Spouse: Eva Saibel


As consultant for online research with GfK Austria in Vienna - http://www.gfk.at. I am still hoping to convince a number of Central and Eastern European colleagues to use the Internet for market research. My personal homepage is http://peter-diem.at with a lot of links to my other activities. Here is the link to Austria's new Internet encylopedia: http://austria-forum.org

Peter and Eva in Loutra, Kithnos

Our big adventure in fall 2007 was exploring the stone bridges of  Epirus in Northern Greece.
Please have a look at: http://www.oktogon.at/Bridges/bridges.htm

 Since that picture was taken, every spring and fall we went to Greece for vacation. In fall of 2011
we made a trip around the peninsula of Pilion - spectacular with its chestnut tree woods.
I attach some pictures. Please bear in mind, that the man in the street in Greece is suffering heavily
from the announced income cuts and tax loads. 

Eva has cooked fish